Community Engagement in Healthcare Clerkship (Course IND525)
About the Clerkship
Students at Harvard Medical School have the unique opportunity to enroll in an immersive experience in community-engaged care. This 4-week post-PCE clerkship offers full-time immersion within a community-embedded organization along with a parallel curriculum of readings, discussions and reflections guided by a faculty mentor. During this month, students will be active participants within their assigned organizations and involved in activities such as: direct work with patients, mentoring by the leadership, structured interactions with program stakeholders and an introduction to the organization CQI, outcomes assessment and research. The goal of this clerkship is for students to gain a firsthand understanding of heath care outside the walls of a tertiary academic medical center and within the communities it serves.
This clerkship is offered monthly with Boston’s Family Van and bi-annually with Alaska’s SouthCentral Foundation and students are assigned to the organization of their choice.
Get more information
More information is available in the HMS course catalog for IND525 Community Engagement in Healthcare.
Ask questions
For questions on eligibility and enrollment, please contact Marcie Naumowicz
Community Engagement Scholarly Project
OCCME in partnership with the Office of Scholarly Engagement now offers a research pathway for Community Engagement Scholarly Projects.