Daniel Palazuelos, MD, MPH
Daniel Palazuelos, MD, MPH is a community health implementer-educator who holds positions at Harvard Medical School (HMS), the Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH), and Partners In Health (PIH). He started his career in global health equity by living and working with community health workers (CHWs) in impoverished communities in Chiapas, Mexico, and these grassroots experiences have deeply influenced his approach to addressing the biggest challenges in global health. He worked over two decades to launch Compañeros En Salud - México (CES, PIH's program in Mexico), the Financing Alliance for Health (FAH, which helps governments design and fund ambitious, affordable, and at-scale community health programs), and the Community Health Impact Coalition (CHIC, an advocacy, research and organizing initiative led by many of the most innovative implementers in community health). During the COVID-19 pandemic, he served as the Technical Lead for the PIH-US Public Health Accompaniment Unit's work supporting migrant workers in Immokalee, Florida. Building on this US-domestic focus, he is currently working with the Office for Community Centered Medical Education (OCCME) at HMS to support Boston-based community organizations, and the students looking to partner with those organizations.
Now as a clinician-educator in the Hospital Medicine Unit at BWH in Boston, the Director of Community Health Systems at PIH, a strategist for the PIH project in Mexico, a mentor, course director, and OCCME director at HMS, a residency assistant program director at BWH, and board member for CHIC, FAH and CES, his unified goal is to assure that our finest clinicians are trained to understand the community perspective, and our health care system strengthening efforts are aligned to the real needs of people living in the poorest and most difficult circumstances.